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The NOW Gen

The fragrance industry is constantly challenged by the ephemeral nature of beauty. The needs of consumers change with the trends and keep brands on their toes. In this episode, our guest Natalia Formosa, Senior Brand Manager, Global Mass Fragrances at Coty, spoke with our host, Francisco Serrano, about where is the beauty of creating a strong brand in this momentary present. From innovation, reaching younger audiences, and being an authentic brand, her insights are valuable not only for those of you interested in the beauty industry but for all branding professionals.


Natalia Formosa


  • Branding from start-ups, back to corporate.
  • Attracting consumers from all generations.
  • Wellness is the new beauty boom.
  • Changes in consumer behavior and attention span.
  • Product innovation in the fragrance industry.
  • Authentic content from influencers is crucial in marketing.
  • Building relationships with a personalized approach to your brand’s consumers.


“So in the past, you know, years ago, it was all about attraction and to some consumers, it still is. But when we look at, you know, the younger shopper and the younger generation, gen Z, right, what they’re looking for, it became a lot more about mindfulness and, you know, scent profile, I would say comfort, wellbeing.”

“I have to mention the pandemic because it obviously had a big impact on the consumer behavior and, their perspective on fragrance. And everything associated with it, I think we are more aware of our sense of smell and appreciated more, and really are looking for sense to promote those feelings of clarity or calm or wellbeing. So it’s, you know, I wouldn’t say it’s medicinal, but right. But it’s kind of like healing.”

“From the branding perspective and as a brand expert, I think having a unified brand is really crucial to build that awareness and build trust with the consumers.”

“But I think having consumers … consumers having the same perception of the brand, the same, you know, values that they associate the brand with is really important to build a strong global presence.”

“Expanding the mass fragrance presence in e-Comm is really crucial for brands to stay relevant and for brands to really drive interest.”

“Having very strong, authentic content is not an easy thing to do. You can pay an influencer and get content, but you really want to make sure that they, the influencer, that you’re working with, really are convinced and believe in your brand and loves the product, that truly loves it. And not just does it for advertising purposes, because you can tell when it’s authentic and when it’s fake.”

“I’m talking about and building that relationship, it’s about, being clear on the values, on what you’re doing as a brand, not only in terms of product innovation but also social good. And being really inclusive and catering to all of those different personalities and making sure that you have that personalized approach since this is what the generation is looking for.”

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