The Now Gen

Month: September 2022


Customer Experience: Is All About Relationships

Most businesses know about customer experience (CX) strategies. They know they should be doing something but don’t know what. They might have an annual CX strategy meeting to discuss how their brand could improve CX. But, unfortunately, there’s often little follow-through.

In reality, improving customer experience is not about creating a strategy or developing a list of actions to enhance mentioned experiences. Instead, it’s about creating an organizational culture where everyone in the company understands why customers are important and how we can cultivate relationships with them in every interaction.

You must remember that customer experience, or CX, according to Econsultancy, is the sum of all customer interactions with a brand. In other words, the relationship between a company and its customers. Leader CX brands keep their customer at the center of everything they do.

We live in a new digital age, and the NOW generation expects instant gratification and a great customer experience. Today’s consumers are looking for brands to connect with through various channels, is your brand searching for this connection?

Brands have focused on attracting mass traffic to their virtual storefront. In this technologically advanced era, there is nothing wrong with creating a great digital experience for your customers, but having a good relationship with them is also essential for your brand. 

You may have some customers who love your company. Do you have a relationship with them? For a connection to be successful, both parties must be willing and able to work on building the bond.

According to QualtricsXM, customer experience isn’t something you can control entirely from your end because customer interactions define their experience. Then, we can optimize the parts of CX that we can handle by understanding your audience and their needs, values, and behaviors. 

To create experiences that build relationships and inspire loyalty, companies must listen to and engage with their customers throughout the journey. The first step is listening to customers, not just at the beginning of their experience but throughout it. 

In our last blog we mentioned: “When you have a consumer relationship, they’re more likely to stay with your brand and recommend it to others.” This is because connecting with them will make them feel part of your brand’s community and hence be loyal to your products/services.

Listening to your customers will make a difference in your brand’s growth because it will help you reach your audience better. Plus, listening to and taking customer feedback into account helps brands improve.

As HubSpot’s article: “What is Customer Experience?” mentions, the more contact with your customers, the more you will be able to give them an exceptional customer experience. 

Another critical step is to remain consistent throughout channels. People like to connect with others through different media for different reasons. So, continue listening to your consumers and reach them through their preferred channels. This will make your brand go from being intrusive or annoying to meeting the customer where they feel most comfortable. 

Customer experience goes beyond strategies, digital expertise, and customer service. Relationships with your customers will open a broader way to connect with them and could potentially transform your brand’s CX.

This series of actions have been gaining momentum in recent years, but there are still so many things companies can do to improve how they interact with their customers. If there’s one thing we know for sure, it’s that when companies get better at creating incredible experiences for their customers, they tend to see better results than their competitors who don’t focus on these areas as much or at all!


Advantages of Consumer Relationships

The relationship with your customers is a topic that’s been getting more attention in recent years, and for good reason. Developing strong customer relationships can lead to increased customer loyalty, better customer engagement rates, and higher sales numbers. This article will explore some of the most important benefits of consumer relationships and how they can help your business grow by improving your relationship with customers.

Having a relationship with your consumers is the best way to grow a community for your brand. This is something that the NOW Generation values. Having a community where consumers can interact with each other and brand ambassadors or representatives. The benefits for customers of developing relationships with brands include customer loyalty, better customer service, and positive word-of-mouth promotion. Plus getting to know your segment on a deeper level.  

As a business owner, you know that customer service is crucial to your success. It’s important for you and your team members to be able to provide the best possible service in order for consumers to want to do business with you again. With customer relationship management (CRM), however, it’s easier than ever before for customers and businesses alike to interact with each other in ways that were never possible before.

According to Forbes, CRM’s core function is to collect data that helps businesses understand and communicate with customers. This basic management tool can open pathways to having great relationships with your consumers, and learning about them and how they connect with your brand. Besides increasing business profits. 

It’s important to consider the benefits of CRM in terms of a company’s bottom line. The most obvious benefit is increased brand loyalty, which in turn leads to more positive word-of-mouth promotion and brand awareness. Some companies estimate that customer retention rates can increase by 25% when they implement a CRM strategy.

In addition, having an extended relationship with customers can help you better understand their needs and wants as well as their preferences for products and services, allowing you to better cater to them in the future. When you have a consumer relationship, they’re more likely to stay with your brand and recommend it to others. This is because they feel like they’re part of a community that shares the same values as them. 

According to a recent study on customer expectations, 79% of consumers consider personalized service more important than marketing. Consumers want to be known and treated like so. Especially if we look at minority groups we can find that a feeling of belonging allows consumers to become loyal to a brand. 

When consumers are loyal to a brand, they can make it easier for you by buying from you again in the future. They’ll also be more willing to refer your product or service to others who may need what you have.

Engagement is a two-way street. Customers need to feel like they are being heard, and businesses need to make sure that their customers feel valued. When customers know they’re being listened to, they are more likely to make repeat purchases and recommend the brand. 

In addition to this effect on sales and loyalty-building efforts, engaging with your customer base also has other benefits such as increased employee engagement (for example by sharing positive feedback).

The bottom line is that customer relationships are beneficial to both customers and businesses. Businesses can improve their marketing and sales efforts by engaging with their customers, while customers will receive better service and personalized offers in return.