The Now Gen

Month: March 2023


Shifting From Consumer to Human Thinking

In today’s fast-paced world, businesses constantly seek to improve their marketing strategies. However, many companies still operate with a consumer mindset, which tends to view customers solely as a means to an end.

To connect with customers and build successful, sustainable businesses, shifting from a consumer to a human mindset is essential. This means viewing customers not as mere consumers but as real people with real needs, desires, and emotions.

Human thinking is all about being customer-centered. Its goal is to build authentic customer relationships. It involves listening to their feedback, understanding their pains, and responding with empathy and genuine concern. By doing so, companies can improve customer satisfaction and build lasting trust and loyalty.

Another essential aspect of human thinking is creating products and services that truly meet customers’ needs. This requires a deep understanding of customer behavior, preferences, and motivations and a willingness to innovate and experiment with new ideas.

In addition, successful businesses must also prioritize building partnerships with other companies and organizations that share their values and goals. By working together, companies can leverage each other’s strengths and resources to create more excellent value for customers and society.

Businesses can shift towards human thinking, and the following are some ways in which they can move from their traditional mindset to a more human one.

Creating a brand that stands for something and has a clear mission statement and values. This means prioritizing a purpose beyond making a profit and connecting with customers on a deeper level. For example, Patagonia has a clear commitment to people. By actively promoting and acting according to their values, they have created a loyal customer base that appreciates their efforts to make a positive impact on the world.

Another way to shift towards human thinking is by prioritizing transparency and honesty in marketing efforts. Consumers are becoming more aware of the impact that their purchases have on the world around them, and they want to support brands that are open and honest about their practices. By being transparent about processes and values, businesses can build trust with customers and show them that they are committed to doing good. 

Personalizing the customer experience through targeted marketing and excellent customer service. Consumers want to feel seen and heard by the brands they support. By using data and analytics, businesses can create campaigns that are tailored to each customer’s interests and needs. Providing excellent customer service is essential for creating a positive experience for each customer. This means being responsive, helpful, and empathetic when dealing with customer inquiries and concerns. By going above and beyond to help customers, businesses can create a loyal customer base that will support them for years to come.

Embracing empathy to understand customer needs and desires. Empathy allows businesses to put themselves in their customers’ shoes and create products and services that truly meet their needs. By seeing things from their perspective, businesses can build better relationships with their customers.

Prioritizing long-term relationships over short-term profits. Creating long-term relationships with customers is essential for building a sustainable business. This means investing in customers and creating experiences that keep them coming back for more. By prioritizing long-term relationships, businesses can create a loyal customer base that will support them for years to come.

Human thinking is not only good for business but also for society as a whole. By building authentic relationships, creating products and services that truly meet customers’ needs, and prioritizing social and environmental responsibility, companies can succeed in the marketplace and positively impact people’s lives.

In conclusion, shifting from a consumer to a human mindset is essential for any business to build authentic relationships with customers, create products and services that genuinely meet their needs, and build a sustainable, customer-centric culture. By prioritizing empathy, innovation, collaboration, and customer satisfaction, companies can build lasting customer relationships and create a more sustainable and socially responsible future.

Are you human-thinking yet? Let us know in the comments.


The Importance of Packaging Design in Marketing

Packaging design plays a critical role in marketing consumer goods. It is the first thing customers see when they pick up a product and can hugely impact their purchasing decision. Packaging design is also one of the most effective ways to differentiate your product from competitors and create a unique brand identity. 

With the rise of online shopping, packaging design has become even more important as it extends your brand’s story and reinforces the customer’s perception of the product. In this blog post, we’ll explore the importance of packaging design in marketing and discuss some of the latest trends.

Good Packaging Attracts Customers

Good packaging design is essential when it comes to marketing. It’s one of the first things customers see and interact with when purchasing. According to an article by Design Bro, 60 percent of customer decisions are made at the point of sale, thus being influenced by product packaging. 

That’s why you need to put extra emphasis on packaging design. Packaging should be eye-catching, visually appealing, and memorable. To do this, you must focus on the product’s unique features and values and stay on-brand. It must also be consistent with your other product packaging.

The packaging should be informative, too. Consider including brand logos, product descriptions, ingredient information, and customer reviews. This way, customers can quickly find out what the product is about without taking it off the shelf. 

It’s also essential to use materials that make the package stand out, such as colorful inks, bold designs, and interesting shapes. This will help the product stand out from the competition and create a stronger connection with the customer. Additionally, you should consider using eco-friendly packaging materials so customers know your company cares about the environment.

Helps with Shelf Placement

Packaging design is an essential factor in the shelf placement of products in retail stores. Attractive and eye-catching packaging is more likely to stand out on store shelves, which can be a huge advantage for companies competing for customers’ attention. In addition, good packaging design can help boost product visibility and increase the chances of being picked up by customers.

Regarding shelf placement, good packaging design also helps ensure that products are organized and easily found in stores. An article by Alliance Sales mentions that packaging should be designed simply and clearly, so customers can quickly and easily identify the product they’re looking for despite their shelf placement. This is especially important for companies with similar products, as it allows customers to quickly find the right one without searching the whole shelf.

By designing packaging that stands out and is easy to understand, companies can increase their chance of being seen and chosen by customers. This can increase sales, so packaging design is essential regarding shelf placement.

Increases Sales

Packaging design can be essential to a product’s success or failure. It can increase sales by drawing attention to the product and appealing to the target market. The more attractive the packaging design, the more likely it is to attract customers and make them interested in purchasing the product.

Packaging can help create an emotional connection with potential customers. Packaging should evoke positive emotions such as happiness, confidence, and trust. In addition, good packaging should inform customers about the product’s benefits. This information will help customers make informed decisions.

Regarding physical stores, packaging can also be essential in shelf placement. Products with attractive packaging are likelier to be featured prominently on store shelves. This helps draw attention to the product and increases the chances of a sale.

Good packaging design can also help differentiate a product from its competitors. Products that stand out from their competitors often attract more attention and increase sales. This is especially true when the packaging communicates a unique benefit or story that resonates with customers. 

Good packaging design is essential for boosting sales in today’s increasingly competitive market. According to a study by Ipsos, 72% of Americans say that packaging design influences their purchasing decisions. By appealing to customers visually and emotionally and with informative messaging, packaging can help convince customers to purchase a product instead of its competitors.

Packaging design constantly evolves, and staying on top of the latest trends ensures your product stands out. Here are a few of the newest trends in packaging design that you should consider when looking to revamp your packaging strategy:

New Trends in Packaging Design

1. Minimalism: This trend focuses on using simple, clean designs emphasizing the product and its features rather than using many bright colors and flashy visuals. This look conveys sophistication and elegance, and it helps products stand out from the crowd.

2. Sustainability: Consumers are more aware of their environmental impact than ever, so sustainable packaging is becoming increasingly important. Companies seek ways to reduce their packaging waste using recyclable materials and eco-friendly processes. This trend also extends to packaging labels, which should be made from recyclable materials such as paper or biodegradable plastic.

3. Customization: With more companies competing for the same customers, personalization is becoming popular in packaging design. Packaging can be tailored to appeal to specific customers, such as offering special edition packages with unique designs or targeted messages.

4. Colorful Designs: Colorful packaging designs are gaining popularity as they help products stand out on shelves and draw attention to customers. Bold and bright colors can create an eye-catching look that will help attract customers. 

By keeping up with the latest trends in packaging design, you can ensure that your product stands out from the competition and makes an impression on potential customers.

The Bottom Line

Packaging design is crucial in marketing, especially for consumer goods. Not only does good packaging attract customers, but it also helps with shelf placement and increases sales. Additionally, with the rise of e-commerce, packaging has become increasingly important in creating customer loyalty and brand recognition. 

Therefore, businesses should stay up-to-date on the latest trends in packaging design to ensure their products stand out from the competition. With the right packaging, companies can drive more sales and achieve greater success. Is your product’s packaging updated? Or are you ready to refresh your packaging design?