The Now Gen

Month: April 2023


D2C Marketing: How to Build a Stronger Relationship with Your Customers

Direct-to-consumer (D2C) marketing is a strategy in which companies create consumer relationships through digital channels. It’s a form of online marketing that enables businesses to target individual customers based on their personal needs and preferences. This approach has changed how consumers shop for products and services and interact with brands online.

Digital channels like e-commerce and social media provide data analytics allowing brands to approach consumers directly better. This type of marketing aims to build trust between the brand and the consumer. 

D2C allows consumers to research products and compare prices and customer reviews on e-commerce websites, which helps them make informed decisions. Ultimately, this helps companies to build consumer trust and loyalty and create product demand. 

Brands can use D2C strategies to sell or promote their products without an intermediary directly. Or they may be sold through third parties such as brick-and-mortar stores, online marketplaces like eBay or Amazon, and other channels. 

According to an article by Omnisend, D2C marketing combines strategies like social media marketing, influencer marketing, personalization, or custom products.

Almost any type of company can use these marketing strategies. Still, it’s especially popular among consumer brands that want to build deeper connections with customers and use those relationships for more personalized offers on products and services.

Typically, direct-to-consumer brands offer personalized products for each consumer, including one-of-a-kind items and limited editions. This can be an effective strategy for brands because customers are more likely to buy customized products than those that don’t fit their needs.

Today’s generation wants to feel like they’re getting exactly what they want, especially regarding clothing, accessories, and other fashion goods. The ability to customize these goods makes them more appealing by allowing customers to choose between different colors of the same product or even specific features such as length or width.

D2C brands promote themselves via social media platforms, often relying on influencer marketing to reach customers. Social media is a powerful tool for direct-to-consumer marketing because it allows you to connect with your customers directly and build brand loyalty.

According to an article by HubSpot, social media platforms accommodate this marketing model through in-platform shops. Your brand can benefit from this. It comes down to looking at your audience and customer demographics to choose which social media will work best for your brand. For example, Facebook is usually for a more all-over-the-board demographic, while Instagram is suited for a more Gen-z audience. 

Influencer marketing is another powerful way to reach your audience; when someone follows an influencer on Instagram, TikTok, or Twitter, they’re likely going to be interested in the product that person promotes, and if they aren’t already familiar with the brand behind that product, then you’ve got yourself a prime opportunity for conversion. 

Social media has become such a crucial part of modern life that many of us spend hours each day scrolling through our feeds, and this means there’s plenty of room for companies that want people’s attention. If done correctly, these platforms can help drive traffic back onto their websites, where consumers can purchase goods directly from them without having any middlemen involved.

Loyal customers of these brands tend to live online and use various devices when shopping online, including smartphones, tablets, and desktop computers. The ability to shop from anywhere at any time has made direct-to-consumer marketing an increasingly attractive option for brands selling directly to consumers. In fact, according to a report by eMarketer titled “Direct-to-Consumer Retailers: US Digital Marketing Trends 2019,” nearly half (48%) of US consumers will purchase products through a direct-to-consumer retailer.

The D2C model has grown in popularity over the past decade as companies find ways to make their products more engaging for consumers. They do this by offering experiences that allow users to interact with products before buying them, for example, by letting you try on clothes before buying or allowing customers access to product information like nutritional facts or recipes using ingredients from specific brands’ lines of food products (such as Kraft).

In the last decade, many businesses have emerged because of digital technologies, making it possible for small firms or individuals to build extremely successful businesses overnight. They can reach a global audience through their websites, social media accounts, and other online platforms.

There are many benefits to using direct-to-consumer marketing. First, it allows companies to build customer relationships and create loyalty. This is important because loyal customers are more likely to purchase from the brand again in the future, which means they’ll spend more money over time on things like accessories or clothing items that complement their initial purchase.


Sustainable Marketing Initiatives

Brands all around the globe are becoming more sustainable. Consumers are interested in what the brands they love are doing to decrease their impact on the environment. 89% of people expect companies and brands to do more to reduce their carbon impact. 

Today’s generation is willing to do as much as possible to help the environment, starting with their consumption habits. These habits are being improved by choosing brands that align with their values. This is why many brands choose to go sustainable in all possible ways, including marketing.

Although very similar, green marketing and sustainable marketing are two concepts that shouldn’t be interchangeable. 

According to Hubspot, the first often focuses on advertising strategies that promote environmental awareness and protection. And on the other hand, sustainable marketing covers this plus social and economic issues. 

Sustainable marketing promotes the company’s mission, not only a specific product or service. While it can also involve promoting environmental protection strategies, it pushes socially responsible products, services, and practices.

Key steps to sustainable marketing are placing value ahead of profit, being consumer-oriented, and reflecting sustainability in every aspect of your brand. The following are some initiatives to help your brand implement sustainability in your marketing.

  1. Responsible Production: Companies should strive to responsibly produce their products and services using ethically sourced and environmentally friendly materials. This means avoiding practices such as sweatshops, child labor, and using toxic chemicals in the production process. 
  2. Packaging: Companies should strive to use minimal product packaging and recyclable or biodegradable materials whenever possible. Reusable packaging is also becoming more popular as it helps reduce waste and plastic pollution. 
  3. Digital Marketing: Companies should consider implementing digital marketing campaigns instead of traditional print or television ads. Digital campaigns are typically less expensive and require fewer resources, resulting in a smaller environmental footprint. 
  4. Ethical Advertising: Brands should ensure their advertisements are ethical, truthful, and not exploitative or demeaning. Ads should also include warnings or disclaimers if they contain content that could be considered offensive or inappropriate. 
  5. Corporate Social Responsibility: Companies should strive to be socially responsible by engaging in activities that benefit their communities, such as donating money to charities, volunteering at local events, and participating in environmental initiatives. 
  6. Green Events: Companies should strive to organize green events that do not have a negative environmental impact. This includes using renewable energy sources for electricity, providing locally sourced food and beverages, and using eco-friendly materials for decorations and other supplies. 
  7. Waste Reduction: Companies should reduce waste output by implementing recycling initiatives and using sustainable materials whenever possible. They can also encourage their customers to reduce waste by offering incentives for using reusable containers or bags when purchasing their products. 
  8. Social Media: Companies can use social media platforms to promote sustainability by highlighting their green initiatives and responsible practices. They can also engage with their followers and customers by responding to queries or hosting contests encouraging sustainable living. 

By implementing these sustainability practices, companies can demonstrate their commitment to protecting the environment while improving their reputation among consumers. Not only will this help them stay ahead of their competition, but it will also make their customers feel good about being loyal to them.

Recent studies show that the now generation of consumers is looking to support brands that are environmentally and socially responsible, in other words, sustainable. And they are not afraid of stepping away from brands that aren’t authentically sustainable.

When done right, sustainable marketing can bring business owners and consumers together into what sustainability is all about to thrive today and tomorrow. 

How is your brand adapting to what the NOW gen is looking for? Are you practicing any of these initiatives?