The Now Gen

Month: June 2023


Building a Sustainable Future: Sustainability and DEI

In today’s rapidly changing world, businesses recognize the importance of sustainability and diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) efforts. These two pillars are not isolated but interconnected, creating a powerful opportunity for companies to impact society and the environment positively. 

By aligning sustainability and DEI efforts, businesses can foster a more inclusive and equitable world while driving innovation, strengthening their brand reputation, and attracting conscious consumers. Today we will explore the correlation between sustainability and DEI and share practical steps for companies to become more sustainable.

Foster an inclusive company culture:

One of the fundamental steps toward building a sustainable company is fostering an inclusive company culture that values diversity and equality—making sure that DEI is embedded in your organization’s core values and reflected in hiring practices, employee policies, and leadership opportunities. 

 According to an article by Masterclass, fostering an inclusive culture in your company will give your employees greater satisfaction, improve retention, and increase awareness for future employees.

By creating a diverse and inclusive workforce, you can leverage your employees’ collective experiences, perspectives, and ideas, leading to innovation, better decision-making, and increased employee satisfaction.

Conduct a sustainability audit:

According to an article by Thompson Reuters, an audit allows companies to identify where improvement is needed in their strategies and compare them to others in the industry. 

A comprehensive sustainability audit is crucial to identify areas where your company can reduce environmental impact. Assess your energy consumption, waste generation, and supply chain practices. Identify opportunities to reduce carbon emissions, implement energy-efficient technologies, and adopt sustainable procurement practices. 

Consider partnering with third-party organizations specializing in sustainability audits to gain expert insights and recommendations tailored to your industry.

Set measurable sustainability goals:

Establishing clear and measurable sustainability and inclusive goals is essential for tracking progress and holding your company accountable. These sustainability goals include reducing greenhouse gas emissions, increasing energy efficiency, minimizing waste, and promoting sustainable sourcing and manufacturing practices. 

Your sustainability goals need to be SMART: Specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-based. According to an article by Exponent, making your goals SMART can help companies focus on their targets and work towards meeting them. Make sure your goals are ambitious yet achievable, and communicate them transparently to stakeholders, employees, and customers.

Empower employees:

Employees play a vital role in driving sustainability and DEI initiatives within a company. Encourage and empower your workforce to embrace practices of sustainability and inclusion at work and in their personal lives. 

Offer training and education programs to raise awareness and provide resources to help employees make more conscious choices. Establish internal sustainability committees or employee resource groups to foster collaboration and generate new ideas for sustainable initiatives.

Collaborate with suppliers and partners:

Extend your sustainability efforts beyond your organization by collaborating with suppliers and partners to maximize your impact. Engage with your supply chain to promote sustainable sourcing practices, encourage the use of renewable energy, and reduce waste generation. Consider partnerships with organizations that align with your sustainability goals, leveraging their expertise and resources to drive collective change.

Communicate and engage with stakeholders:

Effective communication is key to showcasing your company’s sustainability and DEI efforts. Share your progress, achievements, and challenges transparently with customers, investors, employees, and the broader community. 

Leverage various communication channels such as social media, blogs, and sustainability reports to engage with your audience, raise awareness about your initiatives, and inspire others to take action.

Becoming a more sustainable company requires a holistic approach encompassing sustainability and DEI efforts. By integrating these two pillars, businesses can positively impact the environment and society while fostering innovation and building a resilient and inclusive culture. 

Embracing sustainability and DEI makes good business sense and aligns with the growing expectations of conscious consumers. Start your journey towards a more sustainable future today, and be a catalyst for change in your industry.


Empathy, Allyship, and Marketing: How Brands Can Make a Difference

Pride Month is not just a time for celebration; it’s a time to reflect and understand human diversity; it’s a time for brands to reflect on their role in promoting inclusivity and supporting the LGBTQ+ community. 

Beyond adapting our materials for the whole month, true allyship is about taking meaningful actions and fostering empathy. In this blog post, we will explore the concept of allyship within marketing, its significance in promoting inclusivity, and how brands can make a difference. Join us as we discover the power of authentic allyship and its transformative impact during Pride Month and beyond.

The Importance of Authentic Allyship:

Authentic allyship goes beyond performative gestures and requires a genuine commitment to supporting the LGBTQ+ community. It involves actively listening, learning, and amplifying diverse voices. In an article by Entrepreneur, it was advised to be aligned, prepared, and honest to move from performative to actual allyship. By becoming authentic allies, brands can create a positive impact beyond their marketing campaigns. Authentic allyship fosters trust, builds relationships, and contributes to a more inclusive society.

Understanding the LGBTQ+ Community:

To become effective allies, companies, and marketers must strive to understand the experiences and challenges faced by the LGBTQ+ community. This involves educating themselves on LGBTQ+ terminology, identities, and pronouns. Resources such as LGBTQ+ advocacy organizations, online communities, and educational materials can provide valuable insights and promote empathy. By investing time and effort in learning, marketers can ensure their messaging is respectful, inclusive, empathic, and honest.

Building Inclusive Marketing Campaigns:

Inclusive marketing campaigns are crucial for reaching and resonating with the LGBTQ+ community. Marketers should focus on using inclusive language, imagery, and representation that authentically reflect the diversity of sexual orientations and gender identities. Avoiding stereotypes and showcasing a wide range of LGBTQ+ experiences fosters connection and creates a sense of belonging. By prioritizing authenticity and inclusivity, brands can build trust and loyalty among LGBTQ+ consumers.

Collaborating with LGBTQ+ Voices:

Partnering with LGBTQ+ influencers, content creators, and organizations is an effective way to amplify authentic voices and ensure accurate representation. Collaboration should go beyond tokenism and involve genuine partnerships empowering LGBTQ+ individuals and organizations. By centering LGBTQ+ voices, brands can gain valuable insights, co-create meaningful content, and demonstrate their commitment to inclusivity. Genuine collaboration strengthens allyship and fosters positive change.

Beyond Pride Month – Sustaining Allyship:

While Pride Month highlights LGBTQ+ issues, allyship should extend beyond a month. Brands should develop long-term initiatives that support the LGBTQ+ community throughout the year. This may include ongoing partnerships, sponsorships, donations to LGBTQ+ organizations, or even internal policies that promote diversity and inclusion within the company. By consistently demonstrating allyship, brands can create a lasting impact and contribute to a more inclusive society.

IMD said in an article, “Inclusion can only happen when individuals feel visibly supported through all levels of the organization, and it falls on all of us to set the tone for that.” Marketers should set the tone for more than this month and work toward becoming more inclusive daily. 

Authentic allyship in marketing can make a real difference in promoting inclusion and supporting the LGBTQ+ community. By fostering empathy, understanding, and inclusivity in their campaigns and partnerships, brands can create a positive impact that extends beyond Pride Month. 

Through our marketing efforts, let us seize the opportunity to be true allies, actively listen and learn, amplify diverse voices, and contribute to a more inclusive society. Together, we can make a lasting difference that uplifts and celebrates the LGBTQ+ community.