The Now Gen

Month: March 2024


Mastering Trends for Game-Changing Gen Z Marketing Strategies

Gen Z, with its formidable purchasing influence and distinct consumption patterns, marks a critical demographic for marketers targeting future growth. Born from the mid-1990s to the early 2010s, they are digital natives, demanding authenticity, social responsibility, and custom experiences from brands. To captivate Gen Z, brands must offer genuine, socially aware, and personalized marketing strategies, ensuring brand loyalty and market expansion.

Unlike any generation before them, Gen Z individuals have been raised in a world where the internet is omnipresent, shaping their perceptions, behaviors, and values from an early age. Some key characteristics of gen Z are:

  1. Digital Natives.
  2. Financial Pragmatism.
  3. Global Outlook.
  4. Mental Health Awareness.
  5. Entrepreneurial Spirit.
  6. Socially Conscious.
  7. Preference for Authenticity.
  8. Tech-Savvy Creators.

Navigating Social Media Trends for Gen Z Engagement

To effectively engage Gen Z through social media, marketers must stay abreast of the evolving landscape. Currently, short-form video content, led by platforms like TikTok and Instagram Reels, dominates the preferences of this demographic. Such platforms offer a canvas for creativity and self-expression, resonating deeply with Gen Z’s desire for authenticity and originality. Additionally, the rise of influencer marketing cannot be overlooked. Gen Z trusts influencers who share their values and interests, making influencer partnerships a powerful strategy for brands.

Interactive and immersive experiences, such as AR filters and live streams, also captivate Gen Z by fostering a sense of connection and community. Furthermore, platforms that prioritize privacy and mental well-being are increasingly favored, reflecting Gen Z’s acute awareness of these issues.

Source: 2022 Global Crowd DNA Study

By tapping into these trends, and continuously monitoring the digital landscape for emerging ones, brands can craft social media strategies that not only reach Gen Z but engage them on a level that fosters lasting loyalty and advocacy.

Prioritizing Mobile-First Content to Connect with Gen Z

Gen Z’s strong attachment to mobile devices emphasizes the need for brands to prioritize a mobile-first content strategy. This demographic prefers on-the-go content consumption through smartphones, requiring optimized, fast-loading, and user-friendly designs.Vertical videos and responsive web design enhance the mobile experience for effective engagement.

In essence, by prioritizing a mobile-first content strategy, brands can significantly enhance their engagement with Gen Z, catering to their digital consumption habits and preferences, and establishing a strong, meaningful connection in a competitive digital marketplace.

Source: 2022 Global Crowd DNA Study

Identifying Core Values That Resonate with Gen Z

Understanding and connecting with the core values of Gen Z is paramount for brands aiming to establish a meaningful relationship with this demographic. This generation prides itself on its authenticity, social responsibility, and desire for inclusivity. They tend to favor brands that stand for more than just profitability, those that actively participate in social conversations, and make genuine efforts to contribute positively to society. Gen Z is highly aware and critical of performative activism; thus, brands must ensure their actions are sincere and backed by tangible contributions.

Environmental sustainability is another core value deeply embedded in Gen Z’s consciousness. They are inclined towards brands that adopt eco-friendly practices and demonstrate a clear commitment to combating climate change. By aligning brand values and operations with the principles of sustainability, inclusivity, mental health awareness, and social responsibility, companies can resonate with Gen Z on a deeper level. This alignment not only attracts Gen Z consumers but also fosters loyalty, as they see their purchases as an extension of their values and identities.

Crafting the Future Together with Gen Z

Mastering engagement with Gen Z goes beyond understanding digital habits; it requires alignment with core values like sustainability and inclusivity. By staying updated on social media trends, focusing on mobile-first content, and embodying values like social responsibility, brands can connect authentically. Success in marketing to Gen Z comes from listening, adapting, and innovating. Partnering with Gen Z offers the chance to build loyalty and contribute to a more inclusive marketplace. The future of marketing to Gen Z is bright with opportunities for positive impact alongside this forward-thinking generation.


Beyond Billboards Strategies in Out-of-Home Advertising

In the fast-paced world of advertising, out-of-home (OOH) strategies lead innovation, transitioning from traditional to digital. The Evolution of Out-of-Home Ads pays homage to billboards’ past and embraces digital mediums, expanding creative horizons and engaging with the audience more personally and in real-time. Next, we’ll explore OOH advertising.

Measuring the Impact of OOH Advertising

In the realm of Out-of-Home advertising, where vast and varied strategies stretch from billboards in bustling city centers to digital screens in tranquil suburban malls, the imperative to gauge their impact accurately has never been more critical. This necessitates a forward-thinking approach, combining traditional metrics with innovative technological solutions, such as geolocation data and AI-powered analytics. By doing so, advertisers can not only assess the reach and frequency of their advertisements but also obtain a deeper understanding of consumer behavior and engagement levels. This dual focus on quantitative and qualitative measurements paves the way for advertisers to refine their campaigns, ensuring they resonate profoundly with their intended audience, all the while optimizing return on investment. In this light, Measuring the Impact of OOH Advertising emerges not just as a challenge but as a golden opportunity for brands to underscore the effectiveness of their ad spend in an unequivocally competitive landscape.

Out-of-Home advertising is undergoing a significant shift, moving from a traditional emphasis on brand awareness to a more nuanced focus on driving conversions. This evolution reflects a deeper understanding of consumer behavior and the pathways to purchase. By integrating interactive technologies such as QR codes, NFC, and AR within OOH advertisements, brands are not just capturing attention but are also creating direct channels for consumer action. These technologies encourage instant engagement, allowing consumers to move seamlessly from viewing an advertisement to undertaking an action such as making a purchase, signing up for more information, or navigating to a website, thereby simplifying the conversion process. For advertisers and brands willing to innovate and adapt, this strategic pivot from awareness to conversion in the realm of OOH advertising represents an exciting opportunity to connect with their audiences in more meaningful and impactful ways, ultimately driving higher ROI and forging stronger customer relationships.

The surge in digital outdoor ads is evident. From 2016 to 2022, the number of digital billboards in the U.S. rose by 80% to 11.5 thousand. This trend attracts brands, opening up new promotion avenues. A 2022 survey found DOOH to be one of the most innovative media for advertisers in the U.S.

Strategically integrating advanced tech in Out-of-Home advertising goes beyond catching the eye; it’s about creating lasting connections. Augmented Reality (AR) turns billboards into immersive portals, blending physical and digital realms for engaging experiences. Digital billboards use programmatic ads for timely, relevant content, maximizing impact through personalization. These innovations in OOH advertising captivate audiences, strengthening the bond between brands and consumers.

Future Trends in OOH Advertising

Anticipating the future directions of outdoor advertising is essential for staying ahead in a competitive market. This section will explore emerging trends such as the integration of Internet of Things (IoT) devices, the growing emphasis on experiential marketing, and the adoption of AI for predictive analytics in campaign planning. Through this forward-looking lens, we underline the evolving landscape of OOH advertising, poised to leverage technological advancements for even greater impact and engagement.

Out-of-Home advertising is evolving with innovative tech like AR and programmatic ads, enhancing brand creativity and consumer engagement. By measuring impact effectively, brands craft resonant campaigns for high returns. The future? Interactive, personalized, and AI-driven. OOH ads offer new ways for connection and conversion.


CGI: the capacity for brands to tell stories in previously impossible ways.

In today’s digital age, advertising has evolved beyond traditional methods to embrace technology-driven visuals. Among these advancements, Computer-Generated Imagery (CGI) has emerged as a powerful tool in marketing strategies. This blog post aims to explore the significance of CGI in marketing, shedding light on its purpose, advantages, and the ingenious ways forward-thinking brands utilize this technology to redefine advertising norms and set new standards of excellence in the digital age.

Understanding CGI Advertisements

CGI, or Computer-Generated Imagery, is visual content created using computer software. Unlike traditional methods, CGI offers flexibility, enabling advertisers to visualize concepts with realism or fantasy. It eliminates the need for costly sets, making it cost-effective in the long run. CGI also enhances storytelling capabilities, allowing advertisers to weave compelling narratives.

The Purpose of CGI Advertisements in Marketing Strategies is to enhance brand image and identity, captivate audiences, demonstrate product features, differentiate from competitors, and create memorable brand experiences. It has fundamentally altered the landscape by providing a medium through which the line between reality and imagination is blurred but often completely erased. The capacity to create hyper-realistic or fantastically imaginative environments and characters enables brands to tell stories in previously impossible ways. This captivates audiences and resonates on a deeper emotional level, enhancing brand recall and loyalty. Brands such as Maybelline with the Sky High Mascara Express, Nike’s with “Write The Future”, or Mattel with the giant Barbie on Dubai have expertly harnessed the power of CGI to produce advertisements that are not just viewed but experienced. 

These industry giants utilize CGI to construct narratives that strategically align with their brand identity while pushing the boundaries of traditional advertising. By vividly bringing their unique visions to life, these trailblazers have set a high bar for creativity and innovation, demonstrating the unique potential of CGI to revolutionize the way brands interact with their consumers, capture attention, amplify brand reach and engagement, transform advertising metrics, and influence consumer purchasing behavior.

Cost-effectiveness of CGI Advertising

In addition to its creative versatility and effectiveness in engaging the audience, CGI presents compelling advantages in terms of cost-efficiency and sustainability. Traditional advertising methods, such as photo shoots and physical sets, often come with considerable financial and environmental costs—from the logistics of location scouting to the wastefulness of constructing temporary sets. CGI sidesteps these expenses and environmental impacts by bringing these visions to life digitally. 

This service helps brands allocate resources efficiently, aligning with consumer preference for eco-friendly practices. Investing in CGI optimizes marketing budgets and supports advertising sustainability, boosting a brand’s financial health and eco-reputation among consumers. A win-win in today’s competitive market.

Future Trends and Challenges

Anticipated advancements in CGI technology will push the boundaries of advertising creativity. Challenges include maintaining authenticity and addressing regulatory considerations.

CGI advertisements represent a seismic shift in marketing, offering brands opportunities to captivate audiences and drive engagement. As technology evolves, CGI continues to lead the way towards new frontiers of creativity and innovation in advertising. 121 Corp excels in leveraging CGI for brands, creating engaging content and resonating narratives. Expert in tech and regulations, we drive innovation in marketing strategies. Trust us to lead the way in CGI ads!.