The Now Gen



Alternative Payment Options

While consumers still carry credit cards, they’re increasingly looking for other ways to pay. As a result, digital wallets such as PayPal and Venmo are growing in popularity. Moreover, these digital payment methods aren’t just for online shopping; they are increasingly accepted in many physical locations.

Some reasons for this include safety, security, and convenience. In addition, customers are looking for the most convenient way to spend their money, and having alternative payment options will remove constraints for either traditional or trendier clients.

You must know your customer’s preferred payment options. Then you must consider new payment methods like Apple Pay, Venmo, or PayPal. If you don’t offer these options, your business will lose sales and revenue. 

On the other hand, opening your business to alternative payment options can increase success rates. Furthermore, we are not discussing replacing your current options but enriching your customer experience.

Research by, in partnership with Oxford Economics, concluded that consumers are more likely to avoid shopping on a site that wouldn’t allow them to use their payment method.

Consumers are looking for safety and convenience when they shop online. Adopting these APMs can provide ease to your customers.

Some of the most common alternative payment methods (APMs) include brands like PayPal, Stripe, Apple Pay, Samsung Pay, CashApp, AliPay, Klarna, Grabpay, and even newer cryptocurrency ones, Bitso and Binance.

Adaptability is vital for business success. Adapting to new trends can help the business show that you care for your consumer’s preferences. If you want to take advantage of this growing opportunity and increase your sales by adding more payment options for your customers, the first step is determining the best choice for your business. 

As with any change, you need to evaluate what will help improve your business. Influencer Marketing Hub says, “To find the best APMs for your business, think about your target market, the nature of your transactions, and your budget.” 

There are many perks of having APMs available for your consumers. The following are a few ways they can increase your business reach.

Make money on the go with mobile payments.

Mobile payment technology offers you fast and secure ways to make money on the go. Whether at a busy grocery store or waiting for your flight at an airport, you can easily use your smartphone to complete financial transactions.

It’s also suitable for business owners who want to accept credit card payments from their customers but don’t have a traditional point-of-sale (POS) system installed in their stores. 

Another option for mobile payments is to accept payments through social media.

Social media payments are a great way to accept payments without building a business page. 

Social media payment apps like Venmo and PayPal allow users to send money directly from one person’s bank account to another’s in minutes. This can be useful if your customer doesn’t have access or is uncomfortable with traditional payment methods such as credit cards or e-checks.

You can also allow consumers to go cashless with digital wallets.

Digital wallets are an alternative to cash, checks, and credit cards that enable customers to pay for purchases through their phone or computer. 

With digital wallets like Apple Pay and Google Pay, you can instantly accept payment using a unique QR code that customers scan with their phones. This payment method is gaining traction among merchants because it’s fast, easy, and convenient for both parties.

However, before you jump right in, you should take some essential security measures to protect your business against fraud:

  • First, ensure that your customer’s data is encrypted during all transactions.
  • Make sure the transaction meets all legal requirements to comply with regulations set by governments or financial institutions.
  • Use two-factor authentication (2FA) or Touch ID fingerprint scanning to protect against unauthorized access to customers’ personal information.

Alternative payment options can help your business reach new markets and even make you money by following the trends of your customers. By making sure these payment methods are available where customers shop for goods and services, you’ll be able to help them get what they want without having any problems.

To recap, alternative payment options are available. Of course, cash and credit card payments are still the most common ways for customers to pay, but there is room to grow into new alternative payment options and prepare for the upcoming consumer trends.

Adding these options will allow all generations to feel comfortable making payments in your business. The shift to these alternative options can take a while to assimilate, but it is possible. Make sure to provide your consumers with the best choices using data to verify your decision. 

Data-driven decision-making can provide your company with feedback from consumers that will allow you to understand them better. As mentioned in an article by Tech Vice, studying data is the best way to receive your customer’s feedback and learn from it.


The Digital Gig Economy is on the Rise

As the world continues to change, so does the way we work. Noncontractual, short-term, and task-based work is not new, but it has increased in the past few years. For example, many workplaces transformed their operations into a virtual collaboration space during the pandemic. This was a completely new practice and not an easy transition for many. But, at the same time, others with experience in digital gigs found it easy and a great way to keep the economy moving.

The digital gig economy is a clear example of globalization, and its main perk is how it connects companies with qualified talent worldwide. It is growing bigger by the day, and many Americans are turning to it as an alternative to full-time work. In addition, after the COVID-19 pandemic, many job seekers will likely turn to it to get by.

In no way is the gig economy a new practice; its first growth spurt was after the Great Recession. So while many believe it will soon fade away, it has proved to be here to stay and has even evolved into a more digital pathway.

The emergence of the digital gig or platform economy is one of the essential new transformations in the world of work. According to the International Labor Organization, there are two main types of platforms for the digital gig economy: web-based platforms and location-based applications. “An important component of the platform economy is digital labor platforms which include both web-based platforms … and location-based applications (apps).”

The main difference between these two is the kinds of jobs they require. For outsourcing or web-based platforms, the desired results are most likely to be digital products, for example, briefs, creative goods, audiovisual resources, etc., making it easy for people from all over the world to be connected and work together on these digital platforms. 

On the other hand, for location-based gigs, digital platforms are the channel of communication between consumer and provider, for example, deliveries, running errands, etc. In this case, the digital platform allows uncontracted service providers to earn a living while making their own schedule and only working as much as they need. 

A more digital gig economy is an asset that benefits employees and employers equally. For example, job satisfaction, flexibility, remote work, and professional work are a few positive results of this form of work. However, if we look at these benefits, we can find many reasons for the digital gig not going anywhere. 

According to a case study by Brodmin, most gig economy workers are satisfied with their work. “Based on numerous research and publications, there is a general consensus that people who decide to freelance full-time are quite satisfied with the change as well as with their new careers and lifestyle.”

In the last few years, we have seen growth in the freelance worker population, and the flexibility of working remotely is one of the leading causes of this increase. In addition, being able to provide work to someone in a different part of the world, and on the other side, being able to work for a company in a separate geographical area is enticing.

Flexibility has been mentioned multiple times already in this article, and it seems to be with great reason. For example, in their book “Work in the Age of Data,” BBVA’s OpenMind, mentions that flexibility is one of the primary desires of workers because they can obtain professional work from talented collaborators from all over the world while offering a flexible work schedules, pay, or even a flexible workflow. For the Now generation, this is an opportunity to connect with companies and collaborators from around the globe, which encompasses globalization. 

The digital gig economy is on the rise. We believe it will continue to grow and benefit many different markets because of the needs of The NOW Generation. Digital gigs are the perfect way to allow younger generations to work using their talent and skills from anywhere they might be, plus giving them the freedom to grow and explore different ways of experiencing life while working.


The role of CPG’s in a hyperconnected world

We are just a few months away from the beginning of 2022, and the changes in consumer behavior and expectations that changed during the global pandemic crisis have made something very clear to companies worldwide, and that is that these behaviors are here to stay. 

This has pushed the CPG industry to be the ambassadors of change and the innovators of the industry, through strategies that integrate seamlessly the offline and online, and this is because nowadays we live in a hyper-connected world, where convenience is what drives consumers to seek unique and fast experiences aligned not only to their shopping purposes, but also to their personal ones. In the recent “State of the Connected Customer” study by Salesforce, it was found that 80% of consumers believe that their experience with a brand is just as important as the quality of services and products, and that this experience is key to increasing loyalty and therefore long-term profit. In addition, 88% felt that brands that listen to their needs are seen as better-quality brands.

To create this profit, and not fall behind, CPGs have opted for vital strategies to meet the expectations of their consumers. From buying DTC companies, to giving consumers the ability to create their own product according to their needs. We will highlight some of these strategies and trends that are redefining the future of the industry.

Bye bye middle man

We are seeing more and more 100% online brands and startups that are eliminating the different logistics channels and bridging the gap with their consumers by offering niche products, focused on sustainability, personalization and a premium experience. This has created a wake-up call for industry giants, and in order to not be left behind this momentum, they have started to buy many of these brands to create a new experience with their consumers. And this buying doesn’t just start from the pandemic, Unilever, for example, bought several, including Dollar Shave Club in 2016 and Schmidt’s Naturals in 2017. 

Other brands such as Pepsi announced that they will create online stores for their consumers to buy their products directly, with 0 intermediaries, this with the objective of helping to develop skills and value through E-comm in the long term. Although it is a risky move, due to factors such as distance between the factory and the consumer, not doing so would imply a much greater risk as consumers are increasingly looking for a more personal treatment with their preferred brands.

The evolution of the value chain

It´s time to let go the traditional. Technology has come to impact the entire value chain, by creating more automated and disruptive processes to reach the consumer in a more unique and faster ways. In marketing, for example, advanced analytics are to generate promotions, product assortment and even pricing. Today, marketing teams from different CPGs work together with Data Scientists, integrating, consolidating and generating insights that positively affect marketing strategies and budget allocations. In sales, machine learning algorithms help create a more specific sales plan with key actions to ensure optimal negotiations and in the supply chain, experts are seeing how to convert business objectives and supplies into digital projects focused on more convenient and fast solutions.

Extreme personalization.

As we mentioned earlier, consumers are looking for experiences, and brands have to move to create them. According to a McKinsey study, almost 26% of purchases are based on product recommendations and reviews. For CPGs this percentage rises, with 65% in cosmetics and 55% in soaps. Using social networks, not only for the simple fact of being present, but also to listen to insights and understand them, can become a key point to create a better positioning through relevant promotions, allocation of targets, and even innovation and development of products. 

Another way to personalize is by creating interest through exclusivity across different E-Commerce platforms. Walmart, for example, offers L’Oreal hydration kits exclusively on Another German company even allows its online users to create their favorite type of muesli using more than 80 ingredients, and it is delivered to its consumers instantly.

But let’s not just stick to E-Comm. Augmented Reality (AR) is an incredible opportunity for CPGs to make experiences from the package. With the help of Smartphones, people can discover more about what they are buying, immerse themselves in the production experience and even find out which product is right for their needs, thus connecting the digital world to the offline world, and optimizing the collection of customer data in a more organic and optimal way.

We have to start acting and fast. Today is the time where we have to understand that markets and industries are moving at the speed of light and we have to captivate consumers right away. At 121 Corp, we move at the same speed as the world. We work hand in hand with our clients, and together we create innovative strategies and product design in record time across their value chain and consumer touchpoints. We know that in this year and the new years to come, we will not only need to have the perfect product with the same promotions and campaigns as always, but we will have to put ourselves in the consumers’ shoes. Understanding their tastes, needs, values and purposes, in order to create experiences that excite them and make them fall in love with a brand.


Data at the service of creativity

The marketing sector is undergoing enormous transformations at the moment, with creativity blending with statistics to achieve precise outcomes. Traditional marketers, on the other hand, find this combination perplexing. After all, creativity and data are two opposites of the same coin.

You’ll be surprised to learn that the bulk of the decisions you believed were based only on creativity are supported by data as well. Analyzing significant trends, determining what appeals to the public, and developing a product in reaction to all of this is essentially data-driven. Let’s find out how these two different features get along.

Data-Supported Creativity

The majority of marketers feel that technology and creativity will become increasingly important in developing effective marketing campaigns. However, there are many unsolved concerns about how companies might profit from this merger.

According to a McKinsey analysis, firms that have combined these two areas are more successful than those still struggling to combine creativity and data. Other reports support that marketers believe that creativity and technology will be equally important in building effective marketing strategies.

Integrators’ creative functions are becoming more data-driven, while data-driven tasks are becoming more creative. Customer experience and consumer insights are two areas where we see this most clearly. Marketers who combine creativity and analytics create more significant development than others who don’t.

Overall, marketing is all about how a product interacts with customers. It is, in some ways, about customer involvement. Marketers can engage people in a way that assures results by combining creativity and data. Furthermore, technical developments in data analysis may accelerate marketing or creative processes by providing marketers with valuable insights from targeted customers. 

Competing in a data-driven world

Consider Spotify, which harnessed the power of data and utilized it to fuel an innovative marketing strategy. Spotify was able to usher in a new age of song-listening experience by leveraging available user data. They were able to construct their data-driven campaigns, which used outdoor billboards to provide goals for the future year, using the available statistics.

This data-driven marketing effort was not only timely, but it also drew the attention of a large number of people, making it a huge success, and the previous is known as data-led marketing.

Organizations like Spotify should not wait any longer to combine data with c o-reativity. However, this should be done in such a way that both of them complement each other. Remember that pushing this connection will never work since the goal is to strike a healthy balance.

Data Should Boost Creativity (Not Replace It)

The market is becoming increasingly competitive. Every day, businesses aim to differentiate themselves from the competition by devising novel ways to get their voices heard. However, sometimes more than just the ideal team members are required to break through the throng and have your message received the way you want it.

Marketing firms have the opportunity to peel back the layers and get to the heart of critical consumer data by using machine learning or other comparable technology. With the correct data comes insight, and with the proper insights, marketers have a good chance of creating accurate ads that are creative.

As additional technical improvements in the marketing, more and more businesses will follow the technique of making critical data useful. After all, the most engaging marketing initiatives are built on meaningful data about a particular target. This is where the connection between data and creativity may assist businesses in discovering new correlations.

In conclusion

Without data-driven insight, digital marketing services are like trying to hit a target while blindfolded. Given this, firms and marketing firms must craft messaging with their customers in mind, and data may assist in this process. The wonderful thing about creativity is that everyone has different preferences. This indicates that if one group enjoys something, it does not follow that the same thing will be well-received by another set of people, data that is provided while making a targeted campaign.

Marketers must grasp this to develop a better ad experience and, as a consequence, generate campaigns that will resonate with at least a more significant portion of the public.

A marketer must create individualized, memorable experiences that foster consumer loyalty. This is only achievable if an ad piece hooks its readers by appealing to their passions, interests, and concerns. This cannot be accomplished by putting statistics against creativity; rather, combining these two aspects will yield ideas worthy of acclaim. The future of marketing requires both technology and creativity.

121 is the Fastest day-to-day Design and Content Studio for many global Fortune 500 companies. We adapt and implement your global campaigns to suit and comply with all your outlets’ requirements while also aligned with your brand’s equity delivering high-quality solutions at superior Speed while remaining cost-effective; from Social & E-comm content, graphic design, digital implementation to integrated production, using both data and creativity to boost your global campaigns.

121 will work with you to grow your brand while giving you peace of mind. We aim to help you achieve your brand’s objective, not to compete against your creative, strategic, or In-House agencies. We genuinely believe that we can play a significant role in your success.


Speed: How to embrace digital marketing

Today we find ourselves surfing all day for all the kinds of content you can ever imagine. People are streaming movies and series, looking at memes, reading celebrity gossip, playing video games, listening to music, podcasts, and let’s not forget, staying up to date with the news.

As the population has more time on their hands, 87% of U.S. consumers say they’re consuming more content online than ever. According to Global Web Index (G.W.I.), around 80% of consumers in the U.S. and U.K. say they are consuming more content since the outbreak. YouTube and TikTok described as being favorite across genders and generations.

DIGIDAY says that advertisers are currently moving away from traditional Tv advertising because, in these times, they’re just not willing to commit to spending so far in advance. Shifting to online advertising has its benefits. Even though content has to be generated at a speed of light, sharing new and fresh content is what it takes to stay relevant to your audience.

Whether business owners like it or not, these past months have increased consumers’ online presence. It’s a grave mistake not to go digital right now, it can even be fatal to many small and medium businesses if they don’t willingly adapt.

You should think twice before slaughtering your marketing budget.

1. E-comm, enhanced marketplaces.

Amazon is cashing in. We know, it’s no surprise to us either. 2020 Q1 Earnings boosted up a whopping 24.5% compared to the industry’s average growth of 2.7%. According to Comscore, Amazon’s website hit 2.54 billion visitors only in March 2020.

If you are already selling on Amazon, you should step up your A+ Page game. “Adding A+ to your product detail pages can result in higher conversion rates, increased traffic, and increased sales when used effectively.” – Amazon seller central.

Another retailer that cashed in due to mayor updates is Walmart, who recently surpassed eBay in e-commerce sales thanks to their considerable improvement on their web page and shopping app.

Target has also joined the high ranks club, for the past two years, they had already had their focus set on high-merchandising as well as express delivery and curbside pick-up arrangements can say they were on the right track well before the crisis hit.

Home Depot is also expected to see a considerable 38% increase due to their digital sales mixed with in-store pick-up.

Some brands are reporting sales similar to the ones on shopping holidays such as Black Friday. Spending is going particularly up on items such as exercise equipment, bread machines, kitchenware, and health supplements.

Online retailers must be careful only to share quality product images and compositions. With the use of CGI’s brands can generate quality material at a fraction of the time. Employing CGIs will not limit the angles of your product shots. Sharing content on your e-commerce site was never easier.

Even though consumer behavior has changed, this doesn’t mean they aren’t spending. It’s essential to be up to date on consumer trends so you can invest your marketing budget accordingly in the most promising categories on your niche.

Forbes says that a brand’s customer experience is going to depend a lot on the look and feel of the customer-facing app. In the world of digital marketing, a brand can only make a strong impression by having even stronger content. Developing attractive digital assets is worth giving a try.

2. Stay social, stay connected.

The digital disruption that’s ben recently going on due to worldwide stay at home orders might be here to stay. People cannot touch, try on, and feel the products brands are selling. So, it is been up to brands to keep things fresh and step up their social game as well as partnering with the right people.

“Facebook has seen a 50% increase in messaging, Instagram usage is up 40%, and Twitter’s monetizable daily active users has spiked 23%”- Forbes.

Aerie closed its stores across the U.S. and Canada for the time being; however, they wasted no time jumping on Tik Tok. In just two weeks, Aerie spiked their following. Introducing challenges and getting their followers to participate. They are one of the few fashion brands actually putting money in for their digital campaigns. McCormick and E.L.F. Cosmetics have also been successful by taking this route.

When Levi’s partner on social commerce, they doubled their product views.

Brands are attempting to foster a sense of community through virtual social gatherings, sharing stories with their audience regularly, and inviting their consumers to participate in creative initiatives.

According to HBSWK, 89% of consumers want brands focusing on producing goods that can help people with pandemic-related challenges. But beware of sharing bad advice, fact-check your claims and point to respected health organizations.

Let’s talk about the elephant in the room. You must be sensitive to your content, but don’t be afraid to sell. Acknowledging the crisis rather than ignoring it is the way to go.

Consumers do want to hear from you, don’t you dare ghost them, or you shall deal with the consequences. Leaning into digital and connecting with customers will likely have lasting effects.

3. Video, Rockstar of digital content.

Creativity and high personalization must reign among your video content. To gain the consumer’s attention and maintain high levels of engagement, companies need to hire experts. Only exceptional marketers are capable of keeping a high volume of content output that resonates with their audiences. Quality design plays a vital role in extraordinary visuals.

The human’s attention span currently stops at eight valuable seconds if you didn’t connect with your viewer in that small lapse, you are doomed. Marketers have the quest to build unique and advanced experiences that will be of value to the target.

Thanks to data consumption stats, we can now highly personalize content for our audiences depending on age group, interests, location, and browsing history. Tailored content leaves a better impression on anyone. Think about it; you don’t want to be getting the same Christmas card from your Nonna, as your average human cousins, you expect her to address you as the one and only favorite grandchild.

Challenges, tutorials, webinars, you name it, video is the easiest most effective way of getting your messages across. However, it is said that around 20% of the people who start watching a YouTube video leave after only 10 seconds of viewing. Talk about engagement.

Soon X.R. ads will be playing mainstream across platforms. A mix of virtual and augmented reality will make consumers’ content consumption highly immersive. Papa John’s reached a 25% conversion rate employing an X.R. campaign. Users could order a pizza within Snapchat’s app.

Brands are having to go ahead with their product launches, and they are embracing full-on digital from virtual fragrance pop-ups to V.R. shoe releases.

Because some are pulling out their ads, today is the best time to go into video content and adds, rates are going down, and you can get more exposure. Remember to be true to your brand and to share genuine and creative content.

Speed is our core

Doing digital marketing right is a combination of creativity, empathy, and speed.

Times are uncertain, planning that much ahead is just isn’t an option. Social media strategy must be responsive and very flexible nowadays.

Advertising is no longer about interrupting but about interacting. Keeping up with generating content doesn’t have to be a hassle.

In 121, we understand that marketplaces move at an unforeseen pace, and we can reassure you that we are ready to create and design content worth sharing faster than anyone else.