The Now Gen



Sustainable Packaging Materials

Brands have a responsibility to adopt sustainable packaging materials, not only for the environment but also to increase customer loyalty. 

Reports show that adopting sustainable packaging materials is imperative for brands to remain their customers’ first choice. An article published by the Global Banking and Finance Report mentioned that more than half of the consumers surveyed have said they are willing to pay more for eco-friendly packaging.  

It is important to note that implementing sustainable packaging materials may come with challenges, such as finding suppliers and educating customers. However, these challenges can be overcome with proper planning and communication.

As the demand for sustainable packaging solutions grows, various eco-friendly materials emerge as viable alternatives to traditional packaging options. These sustainable packaging materials offer unique characteristics that suit different applications. 

This blog post will explore some of the most popular sustainable packaging materials and discuss their best uses, enabling consumer packaged goods (CPG) brands to make informed choices for their packaging designs.


Bioplastics are derived from renewable sources such as cornstarch, sugarcane, or cellulose. They offer several advantages over conventional plastics, including reduced carbon emissions and biodegradability. Bioplastics can be divided into two categories:

PLA (Polylactic Acid): PLA is a popular bioplastic made from fermented plant sugars. It is commonly used for packaging applications such as food containers, disposable cutlery, and transparent film wraps. PLA is compostable under specific conditions and is suitable for items with a short shelf life.

PHA (Polyhydroxyalkanoates): PHA is a versatile bioplastic derived from various organic materials. It possesses excellent barrier properties and is used in packaging applications where moisture resistance is crucial, such as food packaging, personal care products, and medical devices.

Recycled Paper and Cardboard:

Recycled paper and cardboard are widely used sustainable packaging materials due to their recyclability, biodegradability, and renewable nature. They can be used in various forms, including boxes, bags, and wrapping materials. Recycled paper and cardboard are suitable for packaging products across multiple industries, including e-commerce, food and beverages, and cosmetics.

Corrugated Cardboard: Corrugated cardboard offers excellent strength and cushioning properties, making it ideal for shipping boxes and protective packaging. It is lightweight, recyclable, and often made from high percentages of post-consumer recycled content.

Molded Pulp: Molded pulp, also known as pulp packaging or pulp paper, is made from recycled paper fibers. It is commonly used for egg cartons, food trays, and protective packaging for fragile items. Molded pulp is compostable and can be an excellent alternative to plastic foam packaging materials.


Glass is an infinitely recyclable material that offers exceptional durability and impermeability. It is commonly used for packaging food and beverages, cosmetics, and pharmaceutical products. 

Glass containers preserve the product’s quality, are non-toxic, and can be recycled indefinitely without losing quality. Moreover, glass has a premium look and feel that can enhance a product’s branding and perceived value.

Plant-based or Compostable Films:

Plant-based films, often made from cellulose or polylactic acid, are designed to be compostable or biodegradable. These films offer barrier properties and can be used for food packaging, wrapping, and labels. They are especially beneficial for products with a short shelf life, as they can break down naturally and reduce waste.


Metal packaging, primarily aluminum, and steel, is highly recyclable and can be used repeatedly without losing quality. Aluminum cans are widely used for beverages, while steel cans are common in food packaging. Metal packaging provides excellent protection against light, moisture, and oxygen, making it ideal for products that require a long shelf life.

Be a part of the movement toward sustainability and contribute to the betterment of our planet!

The use of materials like these offers diverse options for CPG brands to embrace eco-friendly practices. Bioplastics, recycled paper and cardboard, glass, plant-based films, and metal packaging all present unique characteristics and suitability for different packaging applications. 

By carefully considering the specific needs of their products, brands can choose the most appropriate sustainable packaging material, reduce their environmental impact, and meet the growing consumer demand for greener alternatives. 

In addition to these efforts, having a clear communication strategy for your sustainability plan can give your brand visibility among customers. Practices like having a clear message in your packaging copy, developing metrics to measure the effectiveness of your sustainability efforts, and constantly reviewing and improving your actions.

Customers are becoming more aware of their purchases’ impact on the planet and are more likely to choose businesses that align with their values. 

In conclusion, it is time for businesses to take a stand and adopt sustainable practices, such as changing their packaging materials. Doing so can protect our planet and create a better future for future generations. Let’s take action and make a difference together.


Millennials Splurge for Nostalgia

Many Millennials have been accused of being overly sentimental. They are said to live in the past, holding onto childhood memories instead of allowing themselves to adapt and evolve. But what if this is a good thing?

Nostalgia is a bittersweet longing for the past. It can be described as sadness and wistfulness that often accompany childhood, home, and family memories. Nostalgia refers to a yearning for simpler times or the good old days.

We can feel nostalgia for a place, period in time, objects, or experiences. Usually, people get nostalgic at least once every week.

Retailers can use nostalgia as an opportunity for growth. Nostalgia creates joy and comfort, encouraging people to spend more money. Retailers should consider creating nostalgic experiences to boost sales among their Millennial customers.

According to Brandtellers Studio, “Nostalgia marketing consists of using products from the past for the current strategy, awakening the feeling of homesickness in consumers, through the creation of an emotional connection.” These sentiments are crucial to create an emotional bond between the brand and its consumer. 

Whatever it is that makes Millennials feel nostalgic, there’s no doubt that this generation has a strong affinity for things from days gone by. This can be seen not only in their spending habits but also in their style preferences. 

What’s the deal with Millennials and nostalgia?

Nostalgia is a powerful force, and Millennials have it in spades. Studies have found that Millennials are “the most nostalgic generation” as they grew up in the internet age. Exposure to so much information on social media and online certainly has its benefits. Still, it can also lead to anxiety over missing out, which leads some people to seek comfort in their pasts.

Millennials are spending more than ever on retro products like vinyl records and typewriters because of this desire for nostalgia, according to this research from Nielsen.

Does nostalgia have a positive impact on brands?

Nostalgia is a persuasive marketing tool. It’s a way of connecting with people and making people feel good about themselves. Marketers can use nostalgia to sell products and services. 

This is why brands that have been around for decades are still popular today. They tap into our nostalgia for simpler times and remind us what life was like. 

When brands remind people of a past pleasant experience, there is a higher chance of making them feel comfortable and connected. A recent article by Spiralytics mentioned, “People buy certain products that connect them to their childhood because they can keep these items to help the memories stay alive.”

Ways in which your brand can incorporate nostalgia

In a Forbes article, it was stated that nostalgia marketing reaches millennials better than other strategies. “The best campaigns are timely and relevant but must also be authentic with a strong emotional hook to capture the heart.”

Perhaps you are currently considering how to include nostalgia in your brand’s marketing strategy. There are a few ways you can do that; below, I will list three ways.

The first thing to consider is your audience and relevance. You need to understand what customers are looking for in your brand. Millennials are looking to connect with brands like they used to. Being authentic will help your brand stand out as relatable.

To boost sales, you must consider how your products can be sold as nostalgic experiences. By creating an immersive experience that gives customers a sense of belonging and creating a sense of nostalgia, you can increase customer loyalty and make them feel like they’re experiencing something special. 

Bring back products or services but with a twist. Create urgency for consumers by reminding them why the product is unique. This goes hand in hand with learning from your audience. Listen to what they miss from your brand, and bring it back.

In conclusion, nostalgia is a powerful force in the lives of Millennials. Brands can take advantage of this by creating nostalgic experiences that appeal to this generation’s love of memories. Emotional strategies like this one have proven to be successful time and time again. Nostalgia is stronger than ever, and your brand will be too. 


Designing for the Shelf is not enough

Nowadays, a ferocious competence takes place, old tactics seem obsolete, and you need to have more than a big name to outperform in the market; the rise of products in the United Kingdom against regular brands pictures the state of affairs. So, which differentiators are making people choose one product over the other? Take note.

The power of Influencers.

As recently in the UK’s household market and not precisely the cause of a direct influencer marketing strategy, or because they are getting paid for, influencers are backing own-label brands with their product reviews; This has impacted positively sales for own-label products thanks to Mrs. Hinch and the young people demographic who watch her reviews.

Influencer marketing is nothing new, with big brands from all markets capitalizing on the reputation of social media personalities on a range of channels, such as Tik Tok or Instagram, to attract a broader audience, which can be an excellent opportunity for your brand.

All it takes is the proper collaboration with a relevant influencer, and your product will soar to new heights.

Emotional connection, building a stronger bond.

The key for your business and brands to grow is to make your product matter in peoples’ lives and preserve those values you have. Premiumization and personalization happen by adding value to your product, reflecting in the community loyalty.

For example, Xiaohongshu, a thriving lifestyle community platform with over 300 million users, started sharing the products they were buying overseas, usually luxury products. Over time, this developed more and more into a larger community and a place to purchase products.

And it’s a great example of how successful brands that make that emotional connection in consumers’ lives are those that combine community and personalization. However, brands must take care of their premium side, as well as their reputation because they can become tomorrow’s commodity.

Personality and Humanized brands.

Your brand’s Personality is essential when you have many competitors; as humans, outstanding personalities attract us; if a brand lacks one, it will remain an average one; if it does, it will induce brand loyalty, and for instance, people will not be influenced by competence even if there’s a better price in between.

Hone your brand’s personality public perception according to the five types of the brand personality framework and don’t miss the opportunity to make it stand out; for example, Tik Tok falls under the umbrella of excitement, and Apple in the sophistication one.

Brand experience & authenticity

If a Brand is like a person, then its experience refers to the relationship you have with customers, how you interact with them in the long term, and the holistic perception this brings, which eventually translates to commercial ROI.

However, stick true to your brand’s authenticity; for 86% of consumers, authenticity is important when deciding what brands they like and support.

Lego consistently creates a fantastic experience for customers before, during, and after their transactions has earned the honor to be one of the top authentic brands.

Price & E-commerce solutions

Although the price might remain an obvious differentiator, the price differential is particularly noticeable for people looking for coupons, bogofs, and all kinds of discounts; however, they still look for quality, so the price-quality ratio remains at peoples’ top mind;

People might choose own-label products over brands, but the price difference is not that big; this can affect the product; however, many people choose, while rushing so they don’t have time to focus on other differentiators brands have to offer other than price.

Following the sustainability trend.

Eco-friendly and sustainability-related consumer items are currently growing roughly six times faster than other brands, and 73% of global consumers indicated they would definitely modify their consumption patterns to decrease their environmental effect.

In the UK’s Household market, sustainability is one of the two key drivers for growth across the toilet tissue category this year.

More than half of customers (52%) feel they emotionally connect to items or organizations they consider sustainable. Brands like Adidas make this a definite trend with its most recent “Run for the Oceans” program.

You must feed your e-content daily and provide originality to your brand; it must feel like a person and not a robot; You must be relevant and, at the same time, have a personality: we can arrange that and give a change of look; if designing for the Shelf is not enough, we are that powerful tool that helps global brands have an impressive amount of content. 

From Social & E-comm content, graphic design, digital implementation to integrated production, 121 will work with you to grow your brand while giving you peace of mind. We aim to help you achieve your brand’s objective, not to compete against your creative, strategic, or In-House agencies. We adapt and implement your global campaigns to suit and comply with your outlets’ requirements while also aligned with your brand’s equity. We can play a significant role in your success.