The Now Gen



CQ: A Powerful Tool for Leaders

For the longest time, we have heard of the importance of intelligence. The term IQ started to gain relevance in 1912. Research by psychologist William Stern yielded the idea that we can measure intelligence.

Globally relevant people had high IQ scores. But a high IQ doesn’t mean automatic success, and a low IQ doesn’t mean failure. According to a blog post in Degree Choices, the way IQ is tested should be challenged and modeled to the Now Generation. 

Circa 1990, we started looking at emotional intelligence, or EQ (emotional quotient). This is the ability to understand, use, and manage your emotions.

Emotional intelligence and mental health have become more critical than ever in recent years.

An article published by Help Guide mentioned four essential skills to build your EQ: self-management, self-awareness, social awareness, and relationship management. However, knowing these skills is not as important as applying them daily.

Although IQ and EQ are relevant skills that a good leader must have, there has been recent talk about another “quotient” that is just as important. The Curiosity Quotient.

When you become a leader, understanding and being able to spot the potential in your team is critical. One of the best ways to do this is by cultivating curiosity within yourself and your team. Curiosity helps with learning, problem-solving, and innovation.

This skill can help make people more engaged at work and increase their productivity, as they are more likely to be involved in tasks when they find them interesting or challenging. 

Let’s put it this way, CQ is your ability to understand and learn. It’s the fuel for innovation and growth, but it’s also about asking questions and seeking answers. Looking at things from different angles, you can see what others may not be able to see.

In an article published by Forbes, curiosity is called the key to opening new doors as a leader. Curiosity is a powerful tool. It helps you to understand and connect with people, be more creative, be more empathetic and open-minded, and last but not least, it allows you to be flexible.

A leader is not born but made. The way to become a great leader is by acquiring relevant skills like IQ, EQ, and CQ. Combining the three and other soft skills will contribute to becoming a great leader in any industry.

In the marketing industry, these skills are fundamental and can make your business achieve extraordinary results. Intelligence can help you create amazing campaigns that will wow your audience and clients. 

Adding the emotional quotient can elevate your empathy with your customers. According to an article by Kaizo, empathy can make your connection with your consumers grow. 

Curiosity helps you understand your customers and the market, allows you to learn more about the people you work with, and lets you know more about your company. You will be their best option by understanding their feelings and creating solutions to their needs. 

Combined, IQ, EQ, and CQ are about curiosity, asking questions, and listening to your audience. It’s a mindset that can help you be an effective leader and marketer. It can transform your business if you choose to adopt it.