The Now Gen

Month: October 2021


How CPGs are Stretching their Models for 2022

The year 2021 is coming to an end, and marketers, as well as industry leaders, are still facing a disruptive landscape and continually transforming customer behavior. It is no longer simply good enough to tell customers what they should do or show them how good a product or service is, but rather, it is crucial to build a valuable relationship with customers. Creating relevant content that connects, building trust through availability, providing exceptional customer service, and carrying a purpose greater than the number of sales, are among the many actions a brand can make to win their customers’ hearts. 

Sounds like a lot to do, doesn’t it? 

Yes, but before giving up on connecting with customers, we have some cost-efficient tips from a few of our successful CPGs clients to help you save resources and valuable time. 

  • Create a Center of Excellence – Consider hiring new providers for innovative, upcoming projects. When hiring new providers, make sure they have the same objectives as your business and a strong drive to make your brand shine.
  • Apply In-House or Outsourcing – Doing so offers expertise in many areas and provides additional speed for your daily marketing needs. 
  • Try Gigs – Look for innovative ideas from people and startups by creating talent contests and leveraging crowdsourcing. 
  • Automate Your Processes – Using the latest technology will help you avoid repetitive tasks and optimize the best data for your strategies. 

A new year, loaded with new challenges, new customers, and innovations is ahead. While it may sound a bit overwhelming, once you take a step back and a long look, you can find inspiration from the big players in the industry to accomplish your marketing challenges on time and within your budget. 

We invite you to discover more strategies and trends the thriving CPGs are applying in our latest white paper “How will Giant CPGs handle marketing challenges in 2022?”. Read it FREE here.


How to gather first-party data in a cookieless world

Twenty-five years ago, a magic tool called cookies that changed digital advertising was born.

Thanks to them, marketers could identify, build a profile based on interactions, and activate engagement through a series of messages. Cookies were also helpful for insight and brand impact. Relying on them seemed like a perfect strategy for gaining customers’ data, but these good old days are over now. The end of cookies is coming in 2022, and brands need to build trust and create unique experiences for their users to gather relevant data organically and under their consent.

As challenging and uncertain as this sounds for the industry, we are on the verge of a new year, and it’s the perfect time for brands to reassess their strategies, let go of depending on one third-party resource for data and strengthen their client relationships. 

Try inbound.

The numbers are here, 94% of customers leave and unfollow brands when they see irrelevant promotions and messages; nevertheless, 93% will buy again at companies if they find a remarkable service, 77% will recommend their experience on socials and reviews. So, to get positive numbers rolling in your marketing strategy and gather first-party data, inbound can be the answer. 

Inbound is a philosophy based on helping people and building relationships with them by guiding them throughout their journey. An inbound practice is built under three pillars (attract, engage, delight). It can be adapted into your funnel into many techniques, such as offering educational and resourceful content that consumers can use or creating platforms or bots to provide excellent customer service for people. Positive inbound can lead to a share of data under the user’s consent, so it’s essential to keep in mind to be as human as possible in your strategy, be empathetic with users through mindful research, have a constant conversation with customers and standardize your communication for consistency.

Trust influencer marketing

Today, shoppers live on social media an average of 144 minutes a day. They enjoy browsing, discovering, and purchasing from an ad or influencers. 

50% of Gen Z shops after seeing an influencer recommendation because they bring a deep sense of connection, and credibility to their audience. Investing in influencer marketing creates a bridge to purchase, so try having them not only for awareness but also across your customer journey and providing them with call-to-actions to direct their users to your shopping basket and gather first-party data. 

If you have a problem picking which influencers are the right ones, try including AI in your practices. Machine learning can help identify content in a way humans can’t, monitor each influencer activity, and help you optimize your budget. 

Give them control. 

Don’t think that you will no longer cooperate with Google or Facebook; they accommodate your objectives, so it’s essential to learn to work with them efficiently. Find strategies that can help gather email addresses and even phone numbers. These data can be shared within these platforms and help create a custom audience within these first-party data ecosystems. Design a Customer Data Platform or Data Management, or acquire them from a vendor and offer ethical, reliable customer-centric experiences that empower users and give them control over their data. 

The road for marketers is still under construction, with many challenges ahead. It’s essential that during these changes, such as the elimination of cookies, you can count on a partner that can make your strategies become a reality in a cost-efficient manner. AT 121, thanks to our Speed Philosophy, we can work with our clients and deliver projects in record time without compromising their budgets. So give us a call, and together we will find the right strategy and tools to make you shine across your 2022 marketing journey.