The Now Gen


How CPGs are Stretching their Models for 2022

The year 2021 is coming to an end, and marketers, as well as industry leaders, are still facing a disruptive landscape and continually transforming customer behavior. It is no longer simply good enough to tell customers what they should do or show them how good a product or service is, but rather, it is crucial to build a valuable relationship with customers. Creating relevant content that connects, building trust through availability, providing exceptional customer service, and carrying a purpose greater than the number of sales, are among the many actions a brand can make to win their customers’ hearts. 

Sounds like a lot to do, doesn’t it? 

Yes, but before giving up on connecting with customers, we have some cost-efficient tips from a few of our successful CPGs clients to help you save resources and valuable time. 

  • Create a Center of Excellence – Consider hiring new providers for innovative, upcoming projects. When hiring new providers, make sure they have the same objectives as your business and a strong drive to make your brand shine.
  • Apply In-House or Outsourcing – Doing so offers expertise in many areas and provides additional speed for your daily marketing needs. 
  • Try Gigs – Look for innovative ideas from people and startups by creating talent contests and leveraging crowdsourcing. 
  • Automate Your Processes – Using the latest technology will help you avoid repetitive tasks and optimize the best data for your strategies. 

A new year, loaded with new challenges, new customers, and innovations is ahead. While it may sound a bit overwhelming, once you take a step back and a long look, you can find inspiration from the big players in the industry to accomplish your marketing challenges on time and within your budget. 

We invite you to discover more strategies and trends the thriving CPGs are applying in our latest white paper “How will Giant CPGs handle marketing challenges in 2022?”. Read it FREE here.

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