The Now Gen


Turn your Brand’s Experience into Revenue

Remember Cat Stevens’s “Wild World” song? A “wild world” describes the industry today as capturing consumers’ attention becomes more challenging than ever.

You only have seconds to win against the scrolling. 

Competitors are everywhere. It’s a battlefield.

What’s your game plan? 

According to Salesforce’s “State of the Connected Customer” report, 63 percent  of consumers will pay more for a great experience, and 72 percent will share those good experiences with their friends. In other words, companies with a customer-centric experience incorporated into their sales journey have greater revenue than the ones who don’t. 

If you want to get started with immersive experiences for your brand, it is essential to know your product or service’s purpose and integrate it holistically into your target customer’s daily life.  

The way customers see technology is changing dramatically. They are ready to embrace new tech products and services in their daily lives, not because they are considered “cool,” but because they can creatively solve challenges faced every day at work, in school, and at home.

But how? 

AI, 3D, and immersive experiences are excellent tools for improving eCommerce KPIs. It’s why every day we see CPGs and the biggest brands in the industry investing in immersive innovations. For example, IKEA’s implementation of Augmented Reality in its App IKEA Place, allows users to virtually test their products and furnishings at home and buy the products in the App. This experience had led to an eCommerce sales boost of 43 percent this year. 

If you want to increase your company’s conversion, try using AI to educate and demonstrate to your customer the product which suits their needs. For example, Nike developed “The Nike Maker Experience,” which, with the help of AI, lets users customize and create a pair of Nikes and have them ready in only a few hours! Exceeding customers’ expectations in innovative ways leads to better engagement rates and shareability. 

AI also helps reduce bounce rates. Social media and over-exposition have decreased human attention spans to as little as eight seconds; a short time for your brand to highlight your products, and even worse if there are unlimited amounts of information and content that can overshadow your brand. Still, when it comes to AR experiences, 50 percent of users spend more than two minutes of interaction. Using AR in rich media or on your website will win you time to show more about your brand and product, and if your experience is engaging, you can get potential customers from existing customers through “word of mouth,” turning more leads into even greater sales. 

Immersive technologies are now considered new interfaces and are the perfect tools for brands to deliver one-of-a-kind experiences that resonate with customers. Discover the latest information in our White Paper, “How Giant CPGs Will Handle Marketing Challenges in 2022” Inside, you will discover a variety of experiences and ideas CPGs are applying to their marketing strategies to win in 2022. Read it for FREE here: ( ). 

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