
Latest Episodes

The NOW Gen


Digital Business as a Powerful Growth Engine

Have you wondered what goes into the wire transfer industry? In this episode, we talk with Francisco Tejeda, VP of Digital Business at Intermex, Wire Transfer, about using digitalization to connect with people and make business efficient. His previous experience also prepared him for the customers’ required speed for his current company. Get ready to hear an honest, human-centered, leader who encourages the NOW Generation to enjoy what we are doing and look forward to growing where we are. Francisco’s insights are remarkable, and his experience backs him up.


Francisco Tejeda


  • Wire transfers are a global industry
  • Helping connect customers with their loved ones
  • Making consumers the priority of your business
  • Advance technology and digitalization are key to growing a multinational business
  • Enjoy what you’re doing, life is important.


“The biggest market for money transferring in the world, it’s actually from the U.S. to Mexico. That is actually the biggest market. So for us, it’s also super, super important and very relevant because we are the largest brand that sends money to Mexico.”

“And we really respect and try to help as much as we can these consumers because again, they’re our heroes and they’re helping their communities are helping their families. And we try to know as much as we can about them to really help them and treat them with respect and treat them with the quality they deserve to send their money via our stores or retail stores, or via online or app or web as well.”

“When we’re talking about consumers, in Hershey particularly we have we had a category of products, which we call instant consumables, you know, so that is an interesting choice of words because we also have packaged candy. In package candy, you typically go to a supermarket, you buy a bag of kisses, whatever you take it home, and you consume that every day or every two days or whatever, you consume it afterward, but instant consumables are single-size chocolates or candy that are typically in the front end, in the checkout.”

“And there is a high percentage of them that are going to, they’re going to buy it because they like to have it at the moment. So that’s instant gratification, for sure. Like the very definition of instant gratification.”

“So technology is very important because if technology assigned to, for you to wait five days to deliver the money, then the digital technology is not up to these times. And the consumer needs you, technology needs to be aligned on the side to send the money now.”

“Life is important for you just enjoying what you’re doing, if you want to grow, like in my case, focus on that and think about that and think how you can grow within your company or search or the opportunities or whatever. But, my advice would be to understand yourself, understand your stress threshold, and what you want to do because everything has a cost.”

Finance and Business Growth in The NOW Gen

Do you hear about the digitalization of banks? These institutions have to change and accommodate millennial needs and preferences. Rich Radice reminds us of the significance of digital transformation. If an industry does not digitally transform, it will be left behind. Rich told us why he started his business, to provide financial advice in this new digital world that requires a successful financial business adapted to the NOW Generation. Is renew or die.


Richard Radice


  • Life sciences company
  • Futurist vision
  • Digital transformation
  • Immersive experience
  • Digital ecosystem
  • Complete experience for the user
  • Digital banks
  • Encourages progress in favor of the consumer
  • Millennial needs and preferences
  • Digital evolve


“The reduction in attrition from their customers, increased savings rates, those types of metrics actually result in tangible value to the bank and obviously tangible value to the consumer.”

“It is very involved to try and accommodate millennial needs and preferences, right? They, they do represent a large portion and they are the, the market that is coming into existence that the largest group of consumers, but there is still, um, the earlier generations that have a millennial inside of them, right there, you, you will see, you know, um, consumers digitally transform themselves, um, out of, out of necessity in some cases, right.”

“Um, digital transformation is going to take hold in every industry around the world. Because if an industry does not digitally transform, it will be left behind.”

“Financial institutions, bank, and banking in particular, work together to serve the consumer.”

“When you, when you start to enjoy it and you get good at it, it becomes less about those tasks. It becomes more about the purpose. “